In this article you will learn how to combine your financial reports from multiple company files in QuickBooks Desktop. To know more contact QuickBooks Desktop Support.
By combining reports with the help of QuickBooks Desktop, a third party application, and excel you can have an organized and better overview of your companies’ financial behavior.
Read the article further to understand how reports work and the common reporting tasks in QuickBooks.
To understand reports, set report preferences, customize reports, access and modify memorized reports, combine reports from two or more company data files, set up and modify Scheduled Reports in QuickBooks Desktop you can contact us.
Take note of the following before you combine reports:
- Make your chart of accounts in the company files as identical as you can to make combined reports easier to read.
- If accounts have the same name, same type, and are at the same hierarchical level in every report, accounts will be combined. Please Note: the names of the accounts are not case sensitive.
There are few accounts that cannot be combined:
- If the accounts are at different levels. For example, a telephone sub-account will not be combined with a telephone account .
- If the accounts have different spellings.For example, phone will not be combined with telephone.
- If the accounts have different account numbers.
- Accounts having or not having an account number.
- Accounts are listed by type. In the order of changes on the first company file, the accounts are listed within each type. Then, in the order the accounts are encountered, they are added from other company files.
- Now, you should log in to your files and then switch them to a multi-user mode.
- Please Note: You can use option 2 and 3if you are using QuickBooks Desktop Pro or Premier. Use Option 3 only for QuickBooks Mac Desktop.
Option 1: In QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise, combine reports
- You can combine reports from multiple company files in QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise. The company files include:
- Balance Sheet Standard, Profit & Loss Standard, Balance Sheet Summary, Profit & Loss by Class, Trial Balance, Statement of Cash Flows.
Follow the steps given below to combine reports:
- Select Combine Reports from Multiple Companies in the QuickBooks Reports menu.
- Click on Add Files and look for the other company file. Choose Open. You can repeat the steps for additional files.
- Select the reports you want to combine under Select reports for combining.
- Set the From and To date range for the report, and then click on report basis.
- In Excel,select Combine Reports. With the combined information, a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet will open.
Option 2: Make use of a third-party software.
- Applications that work With QuickBooks Desktopare offered in the marketplace. From multiple company files, some of these produce combined reports.
Option 3: From each file, manually export reports and combine using Microsoft Excel
- Firstly, you need to open your first company file.
- Export to an Excel worksheet on the selected reportand save the workbook.
- Now, open the second company file.
- In the same workbook, export to a new worksheet after you create the same report and then select Save.
- Now, open Microsoft Excel and then open the workbook.
- Into a third worksheet, manually combine the two reports.
- Save changes in the workbook.
If interested in the feature of multiple company file reporting in Enterprise and are currently on Pro or Premier, upgrade today.
To know more how to combine your financial reports from multiple company files in QuickBooks Desktop, call on our QuickBooks desktop support number. You can also write to us at . For more information visit – .
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